What is life? What is death? Does life end when death begins? When does life begin or is it ongoing? Is death the moment that you are forgotten or when every shred of evidence of life is gone? Does life begin in conception, when the joining of two very alive cells combines? Is death the absence of life or just a moment along a journey of transformation?

Connections to the Joyous, 10-minute Daily Encounters is the only remaining evidence that these life forms existed. They have returned to dust, but their forms have been captured in a transformative state. Their lives only lasted a season, and the evidence is slowly deteriorating. With every glance, we contribute to their death.

Peek, look, glance, gaze.

Connections to the Joyous, 10-minute Daily Encounters

Lumen Prints – Silver Gelatin Paper

8” x 10”


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Red Light View

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Full Light View

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