September 23, 2024

Day 23, AYAT. I had had some swelling in my right leg so they did an ultrasound on the 22. They reported on the 23 that I had a partial occlusive thrombus and a nonocclusive thrombus in my leg. I was already on blood thinners and they talked about doing lasix. I remember how much pressure was in my leg and how uncomfortable it was. Not to mention that my feet started to shed and it looked like a flakey croissant. Sorry if that ruins your appetite, I couldn't think of anything else to compare it to. The doctor prescribed a great hydrating lotion which helped the flaking and felt like the closest thing to a pedicure at the time. Oh how I missed them. Pedicures not nurses.

Today we had some excitement!!! I went out to the chicken hut and found one of our mothers had hatched a baby. This is our first and she hatched it in a place that was dangerous. Since there was only one and there is not a safe place for her right now I took it in and let it play with the silkies inside. They are so small that at two weeks they are just a little bit bigger then it and they all seem to be getting along. Momma moved on and got herself some nourishment. I absolutely hate the idea of taking a baby from a mother but I cannot justify letting this little one in with the mother when the mother put her nest too high. The little one would be in danger and it wouldn't be a good outcome. This is what is best but that didn't stop me from loving on the momma and checking on her repeatedly. I love having my animals but sometimes you have to choose things that break your heart.

Video is of the baby with the others.

My Babies